Tuesday 29 August 2017

Room 5 are settling in...

We are busy with our first topic which is all about ourselves and becoming a community of learners who respect one another.  We learn to work together and to work independently as we develop our skills.  So how does that look in Room 5?  Here is a little taste of what we do ...

This is a private video on YouTube and is only available to watch from this blog.

Room 5 at work and play

Harvest Time!

On our second afternoon we picked plums from some of our fruit trees.  A few were very ripe and ready to be eaten whilst others need another few warm days. 

Callum with our first plums.

Amelia helps too.
Paul picks plums!

Some of  our harvest.
The Primary 2 boys came to help.

We delivered the plums to Miss Perry's class who washed and cut them up.  Some of our plums went to the local sheltered housing complex to be shared with residents.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

First day at school!

Today is Wednesday 16th August 2017 

We have had a lovely first morning in Room 5.  Our new children have joined us in play, songs and movement activities.  Here are some pictures of what we have been up to for you to share at home.

Cole joins in at Circle Time
Cole and proud big brother Zak

Alfie choose the happy teddy to show how he felt
at Circle Time [ a daily activity]

Callum was excited to be back at school

Sharing biscuits.

Snack time - trying the milk!

Snack Time happens morning and afternoon.  Each child has
a job to do such as get the water and put out the food.
Lining up at play time. All boys and girl have their own coloured
circle so they know where to stand and wait.
Amelia and Cole develop turn taking and gross motor
 skills pushing our heavy tyres down the hill & rolling them back  

More pictures will be uploaded at the end of  the week.

Songs and music in Room 5

There are always lots of songs and music in Room 5.  The children like tidy up songs to help them transition from play, to tidying, to getting ready for the next activity! This is just one of the tidy up songs we use.